Early years
Started work in the late 60s on IT development of airline reservation system as part of IBM/BA team.

Married in 1970 in my alma mater, Churchill College, Cambridge, and shortly afterwards relocated to New York with IBM. Returned to the UK in 1973 and started our family with the birth of our first: Virginia in 1974. Our second followed in 1976 just before we moved to the Netherlands for a year to work at KLM.

In early 80s, family moved again to Singapore travelling extensively in Asia and Australia.
In mid 80s, left IBM and joined the SITA telecomms and IT company, retiring 2000.

CNow completed trips to 135 countries, on 125 different airlines and 250 airports.

More recently time has been devoted to various fundraising projects, enjoying grandparenthood, and trips to meet up with friends in various parts of the world.


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